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How PR agencies can use tech to fulfil their client’s needs

Technology has the potential to broaden the role of PR by enabling new communication avenues, improve their quality of work

How PR agencies can use tech to fulfil their client’s needs

Since the Public Relation (PR) field has come into existence, there has been a lot of advancement made in its on ground and off ground tactics. As we have seen, the involvement of technology in every possible field has led to the enhancement of outcome and increasing the potentiality of any task assigned. Technology has opened doors to many new opportunities and has come up with many new efficient ways of doing things. Technology has the potential to broaden the role of PR by enabling new communication avenues or to improve the quality of work for individual practitioners by removing time-consuming tasks and allowing them to concentrate on the aspects of their craft that contribute the most value.

Fulfilling the clients’ needs and helping in maximizing the PR potentiality is what technology can help in. We have seen PR go from a general outspoken way to a modern digitalized structure. Technology has helped the PR professionals’ tasks make it easy and less time-consuming. It has always been how tech has helped the PR employees, but let’s talk about how it has similarly benefited the client’s publicity and visibility. Below are some points that we can discuss on how technology helps the PR agencies to fulfill the clients’ requirements:

Back Links

We have seen massive changes in the PR industry. Back in the days, PR used to be done through fax machines, pamphlets and newspapers and as technology came by, it upgraded itself to emails, digital news, social media to 24-hour news channels. Nowadays, where most of the information has been provided on online portals, it has helped in providing the back links of the relevant space. Back links is when one website links to another with an anchor text like the example right here. It helps the reader to visit the website page and get more information on it, while also enhancing the page visitors for the clients.

SEO and Keyword Incorporation

With the digitalization in the field of PR, it has been deemed important to incorporate the SEO keywords and phrases in your content to make it possible for people to visit your website through search engines. It helps in increasing the visibility from the page viewers of the brand. It indirectly attracts their target audiences and similarly boosts the sales and marketing of their product. Incorporating this technology in the client’s press releases, articles, pitches and captions results in the maximum site boost for the company.

Competition Analysis

Doing a competitor’s analysis has been made easier due to technology. We have direct access to the reviews provided by the competitors’ customers, a basic gist on their campaigns, social media tracking, marketing initiatives, SEO strategy and media visibility. It helps the PR professional to gather the initiatives taken by their client’s competitors and come up with more ideas and tactics to raise the credibility of the brand.

Learning and Creating new pitch ideas

Technology has made it easier and convenient to do research on how you can approach media in order to pitch your clients in. Simply going online and searching on which relevant topic you can speak on, obtaining data on the following topic, creating a pitch and combining it with your clients objective is how a PR professional can utilize the technology to crack opportunities for clients. In another point of view of technology, it has been made easier to pitch your client virtually through emails and invites. The media responding to emails and interacting with clients virtually has helped in time-management and strengthening the relation between them.

PR and technology go hand in hand. A good use of technology in PR results in creating good brand credibility and brand visibility. PR can fulfill the client’s expectation and enhance their brands accessibility. To ensure maximum exposure and coverage, public relations firms can access and adopt a variety of technologies that will alter how they create and disseminate their pitches and press releases.

(The author is Co-founder of Scenic Communication)

Anindita Gupta
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