Today’s ‘Wordle’ #1306 Hints, Clues And Answer For Wednesday, January 15 th
Oh hey there! We are in this, so it’s Wordle time. We’re back again, with our daily hints and secrets to get you started on finding the answer today.
Today’s ‘Wordle’ #1306 Hints, Clues And Answer For Wednesday, January 15 th

Wardle published the wordle hint for the public in October 2021. It was already a worldwide phenomenon, with some players posting their answers, and helpful tips and tricks, every day.
So much so that The New York Times bought it in January 2022 for a secretive low seven-figure price, though the game is still free. Wordle, still the most played word game in the newspaper, today's Wordle. What drives its enduring success? Wardle blames it on the five-letter word-six- guesses puzzle format.
"Why are each word five letters in length and there are six chances for guessing it. That sounds random, but with the prototype version I had different word lengths and I had varying number of tries players were allowed to make,' Wardle told Newsweek in January 2022.
"That refinement was the secret and with that process of five letters and six attempts I realized this was the sweet spot. Just smuggled out enough to feel hard, to ponder but most of the time you can get it solved. So you really feel like a winner".
Wordle clue– you’ve got to guess a five-letter word in six attempts. This game also provides colour-coded clues: green pieces mean the letter is in the word and there’s a place for it; yellow that the letter is in the word, but not where it’s supposed to be; and gray that it’s not in the word.
A definition from Merriam-Webster: "a ready capacity of some kind which is difficult to analyse or impart" and "a clever trick or trick."
Well done if you found the solution! But don’t sweat if not, because Wordle #1306 goes live at midnight in your time zone each day, when the next puzzle is released. Tomorrow newsweek is back with another round of secrets.