Bangalore Based Wellness Startup AyuRythm Scores Big in Seed Funding
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Hyderabad, August 7: Health tech platform AyuRythm has raised an undisclosed amount in seed funding from its varied investors including SucSEED Indovation Fund. The Bangalore based start-up claims to provide an affordable, instantaneous, complete, personalised, wellness solution on the hands of consumers by integrating cutting edge digital pulse analysis into mobile phones.
Abhilesh Gupta, the Founder and CEO of AyuRythm said, "People are unique and so are their wellness needs. Our aha moment came when we realized more than 90% of consumers are looking for sustainable wellness solutions beyond aggressive exercise like running, weight-lifting and cycling. Overwhelming response from the young adult population during the past few months has certainly validated our hypotheses and opened up exciting possibilities ahead, globally".
"The seed funding we raised from SucSEED Indovation Fund and such established Angel Investors will help us enhance our product and technology capabilities, strengthening our team and accelerate growth," he added.
According to the Ayurvedic health group, their solution allows consumers to use existing smartphones or wearables. It provides real time assessment and just-in-time wellness recommendations. AyuRythm's assessment and recommendation engines are certified by institutions like SVYASA, HCG, Niraamaya Retreat, Dr. Vaidya's, as well as by many individual experts.
On their decision to fund AyuRythm, Mr. VVSN Raju, Partner of SucSEED Indovation Fund, said, "As the pandemic continues, people have become more heedful towards their well-being and there is a need for sustainable personalized wellness. AyuRythm provides digitized real time assessments by merging Ayurveda with AI algorithm to recommend proactive solutions."
He further stated, "They address the underlying causes and treatments of the ailments and stress-related issues which can be accessible and analyzed on smart devices and wearables. As the wellness and healthcare segment is growing fast, AyuRythm provides digitized end-to-end holistic wellness experience."
The ongoing challenge of Covid-19 pandemic has reinforced consumers' interest in holistic wellness to boost immunity, reduce stress, and stay well using ancient methods like Ayurveda and yoga. During the second wave of the deadly virus in April, AyuRythm's activation rate increased by 60 percent and install base reached around 100,000. Ayurveda and its allied industry such as yoga, is on the cusp of high growth and change. As per the PWC report, about 77 percent of Indian households have used at least 1 Ayurveda product each year.