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How Pakistan is in an unenviable position

What is worse, it is also facing attack from forces within the country. In short, it is facing all sorts of problems

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How Pakistan is in an unenviable position

23 March 2024 1:00 PM IST

Presently, there is an outcry in Pakistan over rising prices, especially because of Ramadan. The army and greedy persons have ruined Pakistan. It has itself to blame for most of the unsavoury developments

Largely because of its own follies, Pakistan has put itself in a position which is not enviable. Not only has it been facing attacks from enemies but also friends, Muslim countries. Two of them, Iran and Afghanistan, have come out in the open against it. The first such country was Iran. What is worse, it is also facing attack from forces within the country. In short, it is facing all sorts of problems.

Of the two, Afghanistan has clashed with Pakistan at the border as well. To be fair to Afghanistan, it was Pakistan which had made the attack first. It was on Monday last. In response, the Afghanistan had fired on Pakistani posts along the border. In such a situation, anything can happen. It can lead to bigger clashes, worse of all, war. Following the Pakistani attacks, the Taliban had warned Pakistan of serious consequences. Simultaneously, it had told the newly formed government in Pakistan that "irresponsible actions" would jeopardize the relations between the two neighbouring countries.

Allegations and counter-allegations have been made by the two with regard to the recent terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Pakistan alleges that the attacks were carried out from Afghan soil. The Taliban has denied, calling it propaganda.

As far as Iran is concerned, it had attacked the hideouts of terrorists in Pakistan on January, 16. Iran had carried out attacks targeting the bases of terrorist group, Jaish Al-Adl, in Pakistan. Iran's state media was quoted as saying that missiles and drones were used in the attack. Iran had targeted two bases of Balochi terrorist group Jaish-al-Adl in Pakistan with missiles. Iran had also fired mortars on Pakistan's western border eight years ago.

The two countries have 900 kilometers long border. On the other hand there is 2400-km-long international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It has been named as Durand Line. In fact, relations between Pakistan and Afghanista started deteriorating after Pakistan started sending back Afghans from its country last year. Hundreds of Afghans are returning to their country every day from Pakistan. Many Afghans say that they have been in Pakistan for decades. Several Afghanistanis have also acquired citizenship of Pakistan. Despite all this they are facing harassment.

The big question here is why are the Islamic countries angry with Pakistan which calls itself the "leader of the Islamic world"? The simple answer is that it is in Pakistan's DNA. It is in its nature to fight with neighbours. India has also faced troubles because of it. It has faced three full-scale wars -- in 1948, 1965 and 1971. It has been defeated in all. Still, it intruded into Kargil in 1999. There too it had suffered badly. The problem with Pakistan is that it does not learn a lesson from the past. After India, it is having a fight Iran and Afghanistan.

The country has a bad relationship with another neighbour, Bangladesh, as well. It was a part of Pakistan before war in 1971. Both are sworn enemies. The relationship became bad to worse after Bangladesh hanged Qasim Ali , alleged mastermind of 1971 massacre and leader of Jamaat-e-Islam. Bangladesh has made it clear that it will not tolerate interference by Pakistan in its internal matters. To understand the current situation between the two countries, one has to dig up history. A K Fazal-ur-Haq, the popular Muslim League leader, known as Shere-e-Bengal, proposed a separate nation at the Muslim League conference at Minto Park (now Jinnah Park) in Lahore on March 23, 1940.There was a large participation of representatives of United Bengal at that conference. All of them were demanding a separate nation for the Muslims of India. After seven years, Pakistan was formed in 1947 to disintegrate after about 25 years. What was East Pakistan at one time has come to be known as Bangladesh the two which were once part of one country, have now become thirsty for each other's blood.

I have been myself an eyewitness to the massacre in Bangaladesh. I was working as a war correspondent in India and had this assignment for about one and a half years at that time. Those responsible for massacre in Bangladesh are being punished by the court on the basis of evidences. Pakistan has a different view. It has contempt for Bangladeshis and nothing more, nothing less. They are being shown in poor light in Pakistani serials and dramas. Pakistan society makes fun of Bangladeshi Muslims. However, it claims to stand for Muslims all over the world. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has also been complaining against Pakistan. Her main complaint is that instead of blaming itself Pakistan has often blamed Bangladesh for 1971 war and action against the perpetrators of the crime.

Presently, there is an outcry in Pakistan over rising prices, especially because of Ramadan. The army and greedy persons have ruined Pakistan. It has itself to blame for most of the unsavoury developments. The main reason is it has got the priorities wrong. Instead of education it is spending more on defence. The result is there for everyone to see.

(The writer is a senior editor, columnist and former MP.)

Pakistan Iran Afghanistan Terrorism Islamic countries Conflict Diplomatic tensions Foreign policy 
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