2024’s second looney supermoon: What’s next in the supermoon lineup?
2024’s second looney supermoon, also called as Harvest Moon: What’s next in the supermoon lineup?
We're in for another celestial treat with the second supermoon of 2024, part of a series of four set to grace the skies this year. This event isn't just any supermoon; it's a partial lunar eclipse and a harvest moon, making it a must-see for astronomy enthusiasts.
A supermoon is when the full moon appears larger and brighter than usual due to its closer proximity to Earth. In 2024, we have the pleasure of witnessing four supermoons. The first, a rare super blue moon, occurred on August 19. The second supermoon, occurring between September 17 and 18, stands out as it coincides with a partial lunar eclipse and qualifies as a harvest moon—a trifecta that has skywatchers eagerly anticipating this event.
What is a Harvest Moon?
A harvest moon is the full moon closest to the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. It traditionally provided farmers with extra light to harvest their crops late into the evening, thanks to its bright and prolonged moonlight. This moon often appears with a striking orange and red hue, adding to its visual appeal.
Upcoming Supermoons in 2024
If you miss this one, don't worry—there are two more supermoons scheduled for 2024, on October 17 and November 15. Although the September 18 supermoon won't be visible in India, you can still catch the event live on NASA's official website and various Astronomy YouTube channels.
Get ready to look up and enjoy the spectacular view!