Cumulative Mobile Number Portability-Requests Up: TRAI
subscriber requests for MNP in the month of September stood at 13.32 million
Cumulative Mobile Number Portability-Requests Up: TRAI

New Delhi: The cumulative mobile number portability (MNP) requests increased from 1,025.78 million at the end of August to 1,039.11 million at the end of September, since the implementation of MNP, according to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) data on Thursday.
The subscriber requests for MNP in the month of September stood at 13.32 million. In the month of August, 14.66 million subscribers submitted their requests for mobile number portability (MNP).
The number of active wireless subscribers in September was 1,059.97 million, the data showed.
Number of machine-to-machine (M2M) cellular mobile connections increased from 54.07 million at the end of August to 54.64 million in September.
Overall, the total broadband subscribers decreased from 949.21 million at the end of August to 944.40 million at the end of September with a monthly decline rate of 0.51 per cent.