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A guide to identifying fake oral rehydration solutions

Identify counterfeit ORS to safeguard health. Learn how to spot fake products and choose genuine ones for effective dehydration treatment.

A guide to identifying fake oral rehydration solutions

A guide to identifying fake oral rehydration solutions

Counterfeit foods and products are flooding the markets, and even Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) are not exempt, according to content creator Revant Himatsingka, known as Food Pharmer. He emphasises the importance of identifying genuine ORS, which is crucial for combating dehydration and maintaining electrolyte balance, especially during the summer.

Himatsingka warns that many ORS products found in Indian pharmacies are fake. Although these companies use the trademark 'ORS', their products do not meet the standards of genuine ORS. Fake ORS typically contains excessive sugar and insufficient sodium, posing serious health risks. Consumption of counterfeit ORS has led to numerous cases of children being hospitalised due to brain swelling.

Authentic ORS, on the other hand, is based on the World Health Organization formula and is categorised as a drug rather than a food product. It is essential to look for packaging labelled 'Based on WHO formula' to ensure the authenticity of ORS.

ORS is commonly used to treat dehydration resulting from various health issues, such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and excessive sweating. Dr. Aklesh Tandekar, head consultant critical care at Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road, explains that ORS helps restore electrolyte balance and prevent complications associated with fluid loss.

The dangers of fake ORS lie in its high sugar content, which exacerbates diarrhoea and dehydration. Moreover, inadequate sodium levels in counterfeit ORS disrupt electrolyte balance and can lead to severe complications, including brain swelling.

Dr. Tandekar emphasises that proper packaging with clear instructions and regulatory markings is essential when purchasing ORS. Genuine ORS products adhere to strict quality standards and provide accurate ingredient information. Look for labels indicating quality standards to ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of ORS formulations.

Identifying counterfeit ORS is crucial to safeguarding health. By choosing genuine ORS products based on WHO formula and adhering to quality standards, individuals can effectively combat dehydration and maintain electrolyte balance, reducing the risk of complications associated with counterfeit products.

Vineela Sekhar
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