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Ingka centres announced the name of its new Brand-Lykli

Lykli comes from ‘lycklig’ a Swedish word for happy and will be a key destination for entertainment, social connections and retail therapy

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Ingka centres announced the name of its new Brand-Lykli

5 July 2023 2:38 PM GMT

Hyderabad: Ingka centres, one of the key global players in commercial real estate announced the name of its new brand Lykli, determined to capture the hearts of the many people of India with its innovative meeting place concept, challenging the way people think about the shopping industry. Lykli is set to emerge as a key destination for entertainment, social connections and retail therapy in the lucrative Indian market. The first location to bear the bright and lively new brand will be Lykli Gurugram meeting place in New Delhi, scheduled to open in late 2025.

The meeting place will be anchored by IKEA and has been designed to meet local needs with a playful blend of dining and entertainment complemented by a diverse retail selection of both global and local brands. It will also provide high-class office facilities as well as spaces for community events. Earlier this year, Ingka Centres confirmed that PVR Limited became the first tenant of Lykli Gurugram that will operate a nine-screen movie multiplex as a part of a leisure offer in a new meeting place, with many more tenants bringing unique and exciting experiences!

The name Lykli comes from ‘lycklig’, a Swedish word for ‘happy’ and it was chosen for its future customers in India. With customer satisfaction being the company's top priority, Ingka Centres invited people to share their feelings around several potential names, and they were instinctively drawn to happiness, vibrancy and liveliness embodied by ´Lykli`.

“Shopping malls have long been perceived as simply places to shop. Ingka Centres´ immersive experiences challenge this outdated concept and transform shopping malls into a destination for many people to recharge, play, build emotional connections and nurture community. Lykli will capture that promise in its own unique way directly speaking to the people of Gurugram. ”says Anna Larsen, Global Marketing Manager for Ingka Centres.

India's retail landscape witnesses a skyrocketing rise of the shopping mall culture. Anticipated to surge at an annual growth rate of 29 percent, the retail sales within the shopping malls of the top eight cities are poised to reach an impressive $39 billion by 2027.

Ingka Centres 
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