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Deliveroo’s IDC sets up group for women in tech roles

City-based delivery service provider, Deliveroo said its India Development Centre (IDC) has introduced ‘India Women in Tech’ group, as a part of its global women in technology Employee Resource Group (ERG). The group will provide assistance in the progress and advancement of women occupying technical positions in the company.

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Deliveroo’s IDC sets up group for women in tech roles

29 Jun 2023 6:02 AM GMT

Hyderabad City-based delivery service provider, Deliveroo said its India Development Centre (IDC) has introduced ‘India Women in Tech’ group, as a part of its global women in technology Employee Resource Group (ERG). The group will provide assistance in the progress and advancement of women occupying technical positions in the company.

“Our mission is to improve gender diversity in technical roles not only within Deliveroo but also beyond our organisation, while simultaneously supporting our women employees through mentoring and other means to aid their career advancement,” said Shubhi Shrivastava, Program Leader, IDC. “We believe that by empowering women in tech and providing them with a strong support system, we can drive positive change and create a more inclusive and diverse tech industry.” The ‘India Women in Tech’ team has 26 members based at the IDC. The team will strategically plan global events, networking activities, mentorship programmes, and invite distinguished women speakers to share their experiences on career-family balance, overcoming gender bias, and engaging in technical discussions.

Deliveroo IDC tech roles Employee Resource Group India Women in Tech 
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