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5% GST will break the backbone of middle & lower middle classes

The decision taken by Central Govt. to levy 5% GST on the items less than 25 kg packs of Packed & labelled items of food, Pulses, Aata & other products is very bad & not in good taste as all & Govt. Should reconsider this decision as it will further increase the cost of everything & it will be a big burden on middle class & lower sections of the society.

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5% GST will break the backbone of middle & lower middle classes

The airline will deploy a mix of Boeing 737 and Q400 aircraft to serve these routes, ensuring efficient and comfortable travel experiences for passengers.

20 July 2022 10:32 AM IST

Mumbai, July 20 The decision taken by Central Govt. to levy 5% GST on the items less than 25 kg packs of Packed & labelled items of food, Pulses, Aata & other products is very bad & not in good taste as all & Govt. Should reconsider this decision as it will further increase the cost of everything & it will be a big burden on middle class & lower sections of the society.

"Already everyone is paying GST everywhere & I understand that this money earned from this 5% GST will be distributed as freebies for the sake of Votes of honest Tax payers. If the politicians wants to give freebies why don't they give from their party funds," asks Ajai Agarwal, National President, International Chambers of Public Relations & Advisor SME Chambers of India for AP and Telangana states.

Why the Govt. not recovering the huge amount from the big intentional defaulting borrowers and they should be put behind bars until they repay the outstanding loans with the Banks, he said.

Already inflation in very high & Govt. Is having concern only for rich people, big industrial house at the cost of middle class.

Why the hard earned money of Tax payers be given as freebies. Can't Govt. Cut down the heavy expenses on salaries, perks, pensions & other benefits given to politicians who are looting the country. Why there is no tax on these politicians & they get pension separately for each term they serve as MP or MLA.

There is increase in the prices on every items may be petrol, household gas & all items you name. It has really become a big problem for the middle & lower class people to survive.

Can the Govt. answer why they charge the TDS on the interest on deposits for which a depositor has already paid the Tax? A senior citizen who has no other means to earn money & is surviving only on pension & interest income is a big sufferer, he added.

Already corona has affected almost each & every person in some or other way but Govt is going on increasing the prices.

It's my Ernest request to Govt, he said, to reconsider its decision to levy 5% GST immediately otherwise there will be big unrest in the country

GST Food packaging lower middle classes Middle class Ajai Agarwal 
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