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InRadius: The job search platform that helps you find job closer to home

The platform is now live in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad and plans to cover the major metro cities in the next two quarters

Darshan Vyas, Founder, InRadiusin

Darshan Vyas, Founder, InRadiusin

InRadius is India’s first radius-based job and talent search platform. The HRTech platform’s core purpose is to help people reduce their daily commute time to work by finding a job closer to home and finally achieve a better work-life balance. The platform is now live in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Darshan Vyas, Founder, InRadiusin, in an interview with Bizz Buzz, says, “A happier workforce is only possible when people are happy in their personal lives. To achieve this it is important for people to have a personal life, a life where they have the ability to do more than just work in their day to day life and spend time in hobbies, have time for their kids, family and friends, have time for some extra hours of sleep or upskilling themselves”­

What InRadius brings to the table? Explain us the USP of the HRTech platform...

InRadius is India's first radius-based job and talent search platform. At InRadius, our core purpose is to help people reduce their daily commute time to work by finding a job closer to home and finally achieve a better work-life balance. The platform is now live in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad. We would be covering the major metro cities in the next two quarters.

Below are some of the key features and USPs of InRadius:

1. End-to-end hiring process, from candidate identification to their joining

2. Find jobs and talent that are closer, within a desired distance

3. Find candidates and jobs that are relevant, the ones that are matching to the requirements

4. Consent based information sharing, personal details like CV and contact details are not shared till the candidate is interested in the job

5. Progressively ranked candidates and companies based on historic interview feedbacks

6. Reduction in backouts, de-listing of candidates on offer acceptance

7. Employability Quotient (EQ score for jobseekers based on the interview feedbacks received from the companies)

8. Employer Brand Proposition score (EBP score for the companies based on the interview backs received from the candidates).

What is the paradigm shift in the nature of workplaces?

Covid-19 changed the dynamics of the world and the way people used to work, travel and do business. Post Covid-19 people realised the importance of family time and started giving more importance to work life balance. This was also witnessed in the number of resignations that poured in when companies started asking people to be back to office. We did a survey in 2022 in which we covered more than 400 jobseekers from Mumbai and 99 per cent of jobseekers stated they would prefer a job closer to their home. Similarly we covered more than 50 companies in the survey and 90 per cent of the companies stated that they would prefer candidates that live closer to office. People today prefer jobs closer to their home as they are not happy going to work and having to travel for long hours even if it is only for a few days a week.

Why it is necessary to put strong focus on increasing employee engagement through bettering the employee experience?

Today businesses are under tremendous pressure to drive productivity and efficiency. The only way to achieve this is through people and by ensuring the workforce is engaged and motivated.

Engagement is a highly abused terminology and is often related to birthday parties, offsites, picnics and fun activities. In real sense engagement is beyond these and involves every touchpoint of the employee journey, from the joining day, induction, onboarding, explaining of job description and key performance indicators, involvement in business planning and strategic initiatives, structured feedbacks and much more.

Engagement has to be looked up as more strategic and less transactional. A well planned engagement strategy ensures your employees have an experience that leaves a lasting impact and keeps them engaged and often turns your employees as your silent brand ambassadors. Strategic engagement also drives productivity, positive work environment and retention.

The need to maintain work-life balance is a must...

Worklife balance has been a hot discussion topic since years now but nothing much has been done. Post Covid-19, people have realised the importance of family time and seek opportunities that have a better work-life balance. On an average an Indian residing in metro cities spends more than three hours on their daily work commute (to and from work). The number goes higher in cities like Mumbai and Bangalore. When we take commute and working hours in consideration this adds up to more than 12 hours written off once life. With such a schedule it is hard to have any time left for any rejuvenation or personal space.

Over the last few years we have seen the rise in the number of people suffering from stress, anxiety and depression. There have been several studies, research and reports on these issues and majority of them state having no time for personal life and family has been impacting lives. There has been a rise in divorce cases as young working couples hardly get any time to spend together due to the rising work commitments and long daily commutes. There has been research and reports that suggest how kids are more vulnerable to abuse, drug and alcohol addiction when the parents don’t spend enough time with them.

It is high time where India as a country needs to start focusing on these topics and build solutions to address these issues. A happier workforce is only possible when people are happy in their personal lives. To achieve this it is important for people to have a personal life, a life where they have the ability to do more than just work in their day to day life and spend time in hobbies, have time for their kids, family and friends, have time for some extra hours of sleep or upskilling themselves.

How to build an employer brand?

Strategic engagements are initiatives that drive participants to build newer capabilities and improve their business insights and acumen. Strategic Initiatives are extremely important when it comes to attracting, engaging and retaining Talent. The top Talent is usually not interested in the run of the mill transactional engagements and expects initiatives that drive their learning quotient and challenge them at regular intervals.

Strategic engagements are also critical in pushing the potential talent and developing them to build a pipeline for the future. These initiatives also help in building a solid Employer Brand.

Kumud Das

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