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How AI, ML tech redefining personalised learning: Campus 365 co-founder explains

He also warns of the potential danger of excessive dependence on technology, which may lead to a reduction in face-to-face interaction and critical thinking skills

Mayank Singh, Co-Founder, Campus 365

Mayank Singh, Co-Founder, Campus 365

Mayank Singh, the Co-Founder of Campus 365, delves into the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) on education, providing personalised learning experiences for students. In an exclusive interview with Bizz Buzz, he explores the applications, benefits, and challenges of integrating these technologies into the educational landscape.

Mayank explains how AI and ML enhance personalised learning, the specific applications making education more accessible and efficient, the role of AI-powered chatbots in student support, and how these technologies identify and address learning gaps in individual students. He also sheds light on potential challenges students might face and how these challenges are being addressed, emphasizing the development of lifelong learners through edtech

How have AI and ML technologies enhanced personalised learning experiences for students?

AI and ML technologies have greatly transformed education by offering personalised learning experiences. These technologies analyze students' performance data, adapt learning materials based on individual strengths and weaknesses, provide real-time feedback, and tailor learning paths. This customization fosters engagement, addresses learning gaps, and promotes continuous improvement, ensuring students receive targeted support and a more effective, personalised education. This level of personalization in education would have been nearly impossible to achieve through traditional teaching methods.

What specific applications of AI and ML are making education more accessible and efficient for students?

AI and ML applications in education are making learning more accessible and efficient for students through a variety of mechanisms:

• Personalised tutoring systems: AI-powered tutors can provide one-on-one assistance to students, addressing their specific needs and pacing.

• Adaptive learning platforms: These platforms adjust the difficulty and content of lessons to match each student's progress and learning style.

• Smart content creation: AI can generate custom learning materials and exercises based on individual preferences and abilities.

• Automated administrative tasks: AI can handle administrative tasks like grading, scheduling, and record-keeping, freeing up educators to focus more on teaching.

• Data-driven insights: AI and ML analyze student performance data to provide valuable insights to educators, allowing them to make data-informed decisions and tailor their teaching approaches.

These technologies cater to individual needs, automate processes, and provide valuable analytics, ensuring a seamless and tailored educational experience for every student, regardless of their unique learning styles or challenges.

Can you explain the impact of AI-powered chatbots in providing immediate support to students?

AI-powered chatbots have revolutionized student support by offering instant responses to queries and providing 24/7 assistance. This technology enhances efficiency by reducing the response time for common inquiries and facilitating immediate access to information and guidance. Students can get quick answers to academic questions, access educational resources, and even receive help with administrative matters. The availability of immediate, personalised assistance significantly enhances students' overall educational experience, ensuring that they are never left waiting for support.

How are AI and ML being used to identify and address learning gaps in individual students?

AI and ML technologies are effectively used to identify and address learning gaps in individual students by analyzing their performance data. These technologies recognize patterns in student performance and pinpoint specific areas where they may be struggling. They do this by tracking progress, quiz or test scores, time spent on assignments, and other data points. Once these learning gaps are identified, AI and ML can recommend or provide targeted resources, adaptive exercises, and additional support tailored to the individual student's needs. This individualized approach ensures that every student receives the right level of assistance, addressing their unique learning challenges effectively, and ultimately helping them succeed in their education.

What challenges might students face with the increased integration of AI and ML in education, and how are these challenges being addressed?

The increased integration of AI and ML in education does bring forth some challenges for students. These include:

• Digital divide: Not all students have equal access to technology and the internet, leading to disparities in educational opportunities. This challenge is being addressed through initiatives aimed at providing devices and internet access to underserved communities.

• Privacy concerns: With the collection of student data, there are legitimate concerns about privacy and data security. Privacy measures, such as data encryption and strict data protection policies, are being implemented to address these concerns.

• Over-reliance on technology: There's a risk of over-reliance on technology, potentially diminishing face-to-face interaction and critical thinking skills. Educators are actively working to strike a balance between technology and traditional teaching methods to ensure a well-rounded education.

Education institutions are actively addressing these challenges to ensure a safe, inclusive, and balanced learning environment for all students. This includes implementing policies, offering financial assistance, and training educators to effectively use AI and ML tools while considering the challenges they may pose.

How is integrating AI and ML in edtech contributing to the development of lifelong learners?

Integrating AI and ML in edtech fosters lifelong learning by:

• Tailoring education: These technologies personalize learning experiences, adapting to individual needs and encouraging self-paced learning.

• Continuous feedback: AI and ML provide continuous feedback, allowing learners to track their progress and areas that need improvement over time.

• Adaptable learning: Edtech enables individuals to acquire new skills at any stage of life, making education more accessible and flexible.

By promoting personalised growth and skill development, AI and ML in edtech play a pivotal role in shaping lifelong learners and enhancing their knowledge and capabilities throughout their lives.

Can you provide examples of AI-powered tools that help students with disabilities access education more effectively?

Certainly, AI-powered tools are significantly enhancing educational accessibility for students with disabilities. Examples include:

• Speech recognition software: This assists students with dyslexia by converting spoken language into written text, making it easier for them to read and write.

• AI-driven captioning: For hearing-impaired students, AI-driven captioning can provide real-time captions for audio content, ensuring they can access and understand the material.

• Eye-tracking systems: These enable hands-free computer use for students with mobility issues, allowing them to control a computer through eye movements or gaze, enhancing their access to digital resources.

These innovations ensure a more inclusive and supportive learning environment, empowering students with disabilities to engage effectively with educational content.

How does the use of AI and ML data analytics benefit teachers in tailoring their teaching methods to individual student needs?

AI and ML data analytics provide valuable insights to teachers, enabling them to:

• Identify learning patterns: Teachers can recognize individual learning patterns and areas of struggle based on data analysis.

• Customize teaching methods: With this data, educators can customize their teaching methods, offering targeted support, personalised assignments, and timely interventions.

• Enhance teaching effectiveness: This data-driven approach enhances teaching effectiveness, ensuring that each student receives tailored guidance, ultimately leading to improved learning outcomes.

These data analytics tools empower teachers to provide a more personalised and effective education for their students, addressing individual needs and promoting academic success.

Kumud Das
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