Pune Porsche accident: Teen's father hatches escape plan; teen served pizza and burger post-arrest

In a case reminiscent of a Bollywood thriller, the father of a Pune teenager who allegedly killed two techies in a high-speed accident was arrested after a complex escape plan involving decoy cars, a new SIM card

Update: 2024-05-22 16:58 GMT

New twist unfolds in Pune Porsche accident: Teen's father arrested in abduction case

In a case reminiscent of a Bollywood thriller, the father of a Pune teenager who allegedly killed two techies in a high-speed accident was arrested after a complex escape plan involving decoy cars, a new SIM card, and strategic use of CCTVs.

The 17-year-old boy allegedly rammed his speeding, unregistered Porsche into a motorbike, killing two riders, in Kalyani Nagar on May 19. The incident led to the arrest of his father, a well-known realtor in Pune, almost two days later.

The father's intricate plan to evade the police began shortly after a complaint was filed against him for allowing his underage son to drive. He initially drove out of town, directing one of his drivers to head towards Mumbai and another to take a different car to Goa, creating a trail of confusion.

Switching vehicles on his way to Mumbai, he continued to Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (formerly Aurangabad) in a friend's car. He also obtained a new SIM card to avoid being tracked.

Police managed to track him by monitoring the car's GPS and reviewing CCTV footage along his route. The Pune crime branch eventually apprehended him during an early-morning raid at a resort in Sambhajinagar on May 21.

The juvenile justice board is expected to rule today on whether the 17-year-old should be tried as an adult. Initially released within 15 hours of his arrest, the teen could face more severe legal consequences if the board decides in favor of adult trial due to the gravity of the offense.

The father's company, established 40 years ago, is renowned for its housing projects in Pune's Wadgaon Sheri, Kharadi, and Viman Nagar neighborhoods, as well as several five-star hotels in the city. The case has sparked public outrage, especially after reports suggested the teenager received lenient treatment post-arrest, including being served pizza and burgers.


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