Not just Assembly, BRS should sweep LS seats as well: KTR

Says BRS would be in a decisive role in govt formation at the Centre if the people of the State strongly willed in favour of it

Update: 2023-08-18 06:11 GMT

Not just Assembly, BRS should sweep LS seats as well: KTR

Hyderabad Ruling BRS Working President KT Rama Rao on Thursday said the party should sweep not just the coming Assembly polls in Telangana but also the Lok Sabha seats in the State, for the party to emerge as a strong force at the national level.

Addressing an event here, where a leader from Khammam district returned to the BRS fold from the Congress, he said the BRS would be in a decisive role in government formation at the Centre if the people of the State strongly willed in favour of it. BRS President and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao “is getting a lot of support in Maharashtra as the party is making efforts to expand its footprint in the neighbouring State,” he said.

BRS should win 90-95 out of the total 119 seats in the Assembly polls for the party to build a strong foundation in national politics, he said. He also said that the BRS should win all the 17 Lok Sabha seats in the state. Referring to Congress seeking one chance to rule the state, Rama Rao, son of Chief Minister Chandrasekhar Rao, said that the Congress was given as many as 10-11 chances since Independence but it failed to ensure basic facilities like uninterrupted supply of power and drinking water in the state. 


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