RBI's FI-Index surges to 56.4 in March

Composite financial inclusion index showing growth across all segments

Update: 2022-08-02 17:13 GMT

Foreign exchange reserves fall $897mn to $572.98bn in week ending Aug 5

Mumbai: The RBI's composite financial inclusion index (FI-Index) capturing the extent of financial inclusion across the country rose to 56.4 in March 2022, showing growth across all parameters.

The index captures information on various aspects of financial inclusion in a single value ranging between 0 and 100, where 0 represents complete financial exclusion and 100 indicates full financial inclusion.

"The value of FI Index for March 2022 stands at 56.4 vis-a-vis 53.9 in March 2021, with growth witnessed across all the sub-indices," the RBI said in a statement.

In August last year, the central bank said it has been conceptualised as a comprehensive index, incorporating details of banking, investments, insurance, postal, as well as the pension sector, in consultation with government and respective sectoral regulators. 


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