Belly oil market poised for robust growth driven by natural wellness trend: Nabhi Sutra Founder

The global essential oil market, which belly oil is a part of, is expected to reach $15.3 billion by 2027, up from $8.8 billion currently, says Swati Vakharia

Update: 2024-05-25 05:45 GMT

Swati Vakharia, Founder, Nabhi Sutra

In today's health-conscious era, people are increasingly drawn to solutions rooted in ancient wisdom. This shift in consumer behavior has been instrumental in the growth of belly oil offerings. Moreover, advancements in production techniques and technology have empowered the big players to scale our operations efficiently while maintaining the integrity of products.

With increase in awareness level and craze for well sculpted bodies, the belly oil market in India is booming. Founder of Nabhi Sutra Swati Vakharia feels that they have witnessed the evolution of this niche segment over recent years. While there isn't a specific market size exclusively for belly oil, it's closely intertwined with the broader essential oil market.

The essential oil market globally is valued at $8.8 billion and is projected to expand to $15.3 billion by 2027, she said. Based in Vadodara, Gujarat, the primary objective of Nabhi Sutra is to endorse genuine products and give a big fillip to natural treatment. It aims to roll out fine quality, pure and natural oils as per well-established ayurvedic practices. "We aim to alter contemporary methods of treatment while sustaining age-old practice of natural treatment," she told Bizz Buzz in an exclusive interview

What are the projected market trends and growth prospects for the belly oil industry in the next five years?

Over the next five years, the belly oil industry is expected to see significant growth driven by several key market trends and factors. With consumers increasingly prioritising natural and comprehensive skincare solutions, the demand for belly oils is set to rise steadily. This trend is further fueled by the growing awareness of aromatherapy and its wellness benefits, with belly oils playing a significant role in this practice. Additionally, there is an expanding target demographic for belly oils, beyond traditional users, including men and millennials, which will contribute to market growth.

Technological advancements in formulations and packaging are anticipated to drive product innovation, enhancing the appeal and efficacy of belly oils. Moreover, as emerging markets embrace skincare and wellness trends, there is an opportunity for the industry to penetrate new regions and capitalise on growing demand. Overall, with these trends in mind, the belly oil industry is poised for robust expansion and evolution in the coming years.

Can you provide insights into the consumer demographics driving demand for belly oils?

Primarily the target audience for belly oils is women. Historically, women have been the primary users of skincare and wellness products. However, there is also a growing interest among millennials and the elderly of both genders who incorporate belly oils into their self-care routines. This demographic is increasingly drawn to natural and organic products and is actively seeking holistic approaches to health and wellness.

There's a rising preference for natural and organic products across the board. Moreover, the widespread application of essential oils across diverse industries has contributed to their mainstream popularity. Consumers are exposed to belly oils through various channels, including social media influencers, wellness blogs, and spa treatments, further fueling their demand. And at Nabhi Sutra, we are committed to catering to these consumer demographics and evolving needs and preferences, delivering high-quality belly oil products that promote comprehensive well-being.

What are the key factors contributing to the growth of the belly oil market?

One significant factor that contributes to the growth of the belly oil market is the increasing awareness of the numerous benefits that belly oils offer. Out of all the types of oil massages, belly button oiling is an ancient practice which has garnered attention for its purported health benefits and therapeutic effects. From reducing stress and anxiety to enhancing hair growth, applying oil in the belly button area can offer benefits to numerous parts of the body. In short, people are increasingly turning to belly oils as an integral part of their skincare routine, they are looking for products that not only promote skin health but also provide relaxation and overall well-being.

How are your products different from other brands in the competitive belly oil market?

We pride ourselves on being pioneers in the field of ayurvedic belly button oil. Unlike other brands in the competitive market, we are not just selling products; we are on a mission to reintroduce Ayurvedic rituals into people's lives. This mission drives everything we do, from product development to customer education. We understand that ayurveda is not just a trend but a time-tested tradition with profound wellness benefits. While some competitors may rely on chemical-laden products, we prioritise the purity and potency of our formulations. Our ayurvedic belly button oils are crafted with care, drawing on centuries-old ayurvedic principles and practices to deliver authentic and effective solutions for our customers.

Additionally, we have had to create the entire market ourselves, educating and raising awareness among people about this traditional practice. This sets us apart from other brands that may simply follow existing trends. Our dedication to authenticity and innovation drives us to continuously explore emerging trends and innovations in belly oil formulations and packaging.

What are the main benefits and perceived drawbacks associated with using belly oils?

One of the main benefits of belly oils is their ability to harness the therapeutic properties of essential oils. These natural extracts from plants offer a wide range of benefits, including anxiety reduction, improved sleep quality, relief from nausea, and even pain alleviation. Additionally, many belly oils contain specific blends that target menstrual pain, providing much-needed relief to individuals experiencing discomfort.

While it is important to recognise potential considerations with belly oil usage, it is also crucial to approach them with a balanced perspective. Some individuals may experience respiratory irritation when inhaling certain oils, leading to symptoms like coughing or throat irritation. Therefore, it is advisable to use belly oils in a well-ventilated area and in moderation to minimise any discomfort. Thus, it is essential to adhere strictly to recommended guidelines and only use these products as intended.

Are there any emerging trends or innovations in belly oil formulations or packaging?

Amidst the industry's exponential growth over the past decade, several exciting developments have taken place. One prominent trend we have observed in packaging is the increasing prevalence of dropper bottles. These bottles offer precise and controlled dispensing, allowing users to manage the amount of belly oil they apply with ease. We anticipate dropper bottles to become even more popular due to their convenience and ability to preserve the freshness and potency of our products.

Furthermore, active packaging represents an innovative approach to preserving the shelf life of belly oils. This technique harnesses the volatile nature of essential oils to maintain product integrity and freshness over time. By incorporating active packaging solutions, we ensure that our belly oils remain potent and effective for extended periods, enhancing the overall customer experience.

How do regulatory frameworks impact the marketing and distribution of belly oils?

Regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in shaping the marketing and distribution landscape for belly oils. Having the necessary approvals and certifications is essential for ensuring compliance and building trust among our consumers. It signifies that our products meet stringent quality standards and adhere to the principles of ayurveda. Moreover, steering through regulatory requirements influences our marketing strategies and distribution channels. We prioritise transparency in our communications, highlighting our compliance with regulatory standards to instill confidence in our customers. Additionally, our distribution network is structured to ensure that our products reach consumers in compliance with all relevant regulations, thereby maintaining the integrity of our brand and offerings.

Can you discuss the sustainability practices adopted by leading belly oil manufacturers?

As manufacturers, our commitment to sustainability lies primarily in our choice of packaging materials. We prioritise the use of sustainable packaging throughout our operations to minimise our environmental footprint. We support sustainable practices by opting for eco-friendly packaging options wherever feasible. Whether it is investing in regenerative agriculture, implementing water conservation measures, or promoting renewable energy, we collaborate with partners who share our commitment to environmental stewardship. From organic farming to fair trade practices to sustainable sourcing, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint and promote the well-being of communities worldwide.

How do consumers evaluate the efficacy and safety of different belly oil products?

Consumers assess the efficacy and safety of various belly oil products through a multifaceted evaluation process. Firstly, they scrutinise the ingredients list, preferring products with natural and beneficial components such as essential oils, herbal extracts, and carrier oils. Brand reputation also weighs heavily in their decision-making, with established brands known for producing high-quality products garnering more trust.

Reading consumer reviews and testimonials provides valuable firsthand insights into product effectiveness and any potential side effects, shaping consumer perceptions.

Moreover, third-party certifications, such as organic or cruelty-free labels, serve as indicators of product quality and ethical practices, further influencing consumer trust.

Many consumers also seek out scientific evidence supporting product claims and may conduct personal trials to assess efficacy and safety. Ultimately, personal experience with a product plays a pivotal role in forming opinions, with positive outcomes reinforcing perceptions of efficacy and safety.


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